Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Three fires

Prizren, April 16-17
During the past 12 hours in Prizren started three fires, in three different locations which caused considerable material damages. First case happened at about 18:40 minutes at the market “CANI” Enver Hadrijaj street. Firefighters extinguished the fire which burned some groceries and the inventory of the facility. The value of damage remains unknown while police officers and forensics completed the investigations at the scene. The cause of fire remains unknown for now.Second case happened at about 20:30 minutes in “Edit Durham” street. In this case, in one resident house an electricity counter captured on fire. Except the police and firefighters, KEDS Unit was also present the scene. They conducted preliminary investigations. Third case happened and is reported today, in the morning hours at “Sefedin Laçi” street. At about 06:30 minutes, Police in Prizren received an information that informed them for a house in fire. After arriving at the scene it was noticed that roof of a two-floor house was on fire and fortunately fire did not reach the inside of the house. Firefighter accomplished their duty in this case also. In all three cases there was not reported for injured persons. * * *Yesterday at about 09:00, Regional Unit Against Narcotics conducted a raid in “Behamir Memaj” street at two locations; one resident house and one workshop where 99 nylon bags filled with substances suspected to be marihuana and two pistols of caliber 7.62 mm are founded and seized. An amount of money was seized as well and Macedonian denars. From the Auto Crimes Unit some vehicle plates and audio equipments for vehicles are seized as well. The suspect is under the detention measure of 48 hour.  

Statstikat e përgjithshme: 2025-01-14
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