Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

A person taken to custody after being found with several weapons, ammunition and other prohibited items

Prishtinë, November 1, 2024
Kosovo Police, while performing police duties and authorizations to provide order and security, in the northern part of the country, specifically in the mountainous of a village in Leposaviq, encountered a suspect with a hunting rifle and ammunition.
Under the well-founded suspicion that the suspect R.M. (year of birth 1976, Kosovar male) also possesses other weapons, his house was searched. During the search, there were also found: a semi-automatic weapon, an 8.75mm rifle, an air rifle, cartridges of different calibres, several knives and a jacket with other military equipment.
The prosecutor was notified about the case, who decided that the suspect is taken to 48 hours detention.

Opšte statistike: 2025-01-14
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