Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police


Prishtina, 3rd September 2014
Information for the opinion regarding the untrue article published in the daily newspaper “Koha Ditore”
Kosovo Police in order to properly inform the public opinion regarding the article published on 3.9.2014 in the daily newspaper “Koha Ditore”, titled “Police is accused for corruption in the tender worth 4.3 million euro”, responds against this untrue article and clarifies as follows:
Kosovo Police based on the operational needs for equipping its officers with professional uniforms, started the necessary project based on the legal obligations and budgetary abilities.Aiming to standardize the uniform of Kosovo Police (KP) and avoid the variability of the actual uniform parts, as well as based on the recommendation of the project financed by the EU “Twining light project”, which recommends the increase of the uniform quality and decrease in the budget loss and costs, KP initiated this activity.According to the budgetary plans for the fiscal year 2014, the project was initiated by respecting legal procedures of the public procurement, as well as based on the approved design for new uniform by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, which includes:- Working uniform- Solemn uniform- Uniform of the ceremonial honorary platoon On 2.7.2014 a public announcement was done according to the foreseen legal procedures, in the official site of the KRPP, respecting criteria of the official languages. While on 8.8.2014 bids from the interested economic operators (EO) were accepted and in the presence of the committee and EO representatives the opening of bids was done. According to the legal procedures, a committee for the evaluation of bids was established, which worked independently evaluating bids conform administrative criteria, technical specifications as well as uniform samples from the tender dossiers. Based on the tender criteria, representing the sample by the Economic Operator (EO) was mandatory, based on the sample which was a part of the tender dossier and technical specifications as a component of the tender dossier.The committee of bid evaluation selected the samples which met the technical criteria of the uniform for all types according to the project. After the completion of the evaluation procedures, committee for evaluation concluded that there are two adequate bidders and recommended to give the contract to the adequate bidder with the lowest price, who did met the technical criteria requested based on the technical specification in the tender dossier.Currently the project in question is in the reviewing phase from Procurement Reviewing Body, because an appeal was received by one operator and Kosovo Police is waiting the final decision by the Procurement Reviewing Body.Therefore, based on the respect of all criteria, instructions and foreseen legal procedures, Kosovo Police considers the tender for supply with police uniforms as correct one and there is no accusation for corruption toward KP for this activity. So, we think that public opinion should be informed fairly and correctly and that the entire process is being realized in total harmony with applicable legal procedures.
With respect,
KP Information Office 

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