Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Public information regarding the statement of political subject “Vetëvendosje”

Kosovo Police in order to inform fairly the public opinion regarding the statement published today (on 22.9.2014) from this political subject where is said that “In recent days, the control and search of police forces against the VETËVENDOSJE” activists is increased in worrisome manner, clarifies as following:Kosovo Police, respectively Regional Directorate in Prishtina with its police units have conducted an order issued by the respective Court regarding the taking of a person (K.D) invited to appear in the Kosovo Supreme Court.Kosovo Police is a professional institution in implementation and fulfilling of the duties, conform the foreseen legal procedures and does not have any tendency against any person and political subject as stated in the statement of the political subject “Vetëvendosje”.Therefore, we consider that the public opinion must be informed fairly and correctly, that Kosovo Police has implemented the order issued by the justice bodies which is one of the duties determined by the law on Kosovo Police. 

Statstikat e përgjithshme: 2025-01-14
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