Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Press release

Prishtinë, 28 August 2014
On 27.08.2014 at about 18:00, Kosovo Police received a notification that one person Kosovo citizen was injured in the border area between Kosovo and Serbia, concretely in the location between villages Dumnicë e Poshtme and Perpellac, Podujeva municipality. According to the information, it is suspected that the case had occurred in the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
Upon receiving the information, Kosovo Police through the Order units and Border Police, have gone to the scene in order to obtain information and to investigate these information.
Based on the information that Kosovo Police has, some persons had crossed the border in that area where the incident happened with the aim to illegally cut woods, where a person was injured and arrested by the Serbian police and is being treated in Serbia.
Based on this case and other cases of this nature, Kosovo Police informs all citizens of Kosovo that such acts of crossing borders without authorization are illegal actions and therefore are punishable.
Referring to such cases, Kosovo police calls and explains all the citizens of Kosovo, especially those living in border areas that these actions are not only illegal but also harmful for state image of Kosovo, affecting in violation of the state border of the Republic of Kosovo and in some cases as a result of violent incidents there were also injured persons.
Kosovo Police notifies the citizens that the persons who found committing such acts will be undertaken all legal actions against them for the offences of unauthorized border crossing or unauthorized attempting to cross the border and illegal cutting of woods.  

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