Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Press Release

Prishtinë 13 March 2014 – A suspect has been arrested by Kosovo Police in the afternoon hours on Wednesday, (12.3.2014) in Zubin Potok, after he involved in a case of ‘threat’ and ‘disturbing the public order’. After taking the suspect to the police station in Zubin Potok, it has been proven that against him there is an active arrest warrant from 2012, for being involved in criminal offences against the personnel under the international protection and damage of chattel. During the evening hours, while he was being held in the additional facility of the police station in Zubin Potok, because of the suspicions of negligence of police officers to secure the arrested person and as a result of the pressure of the group of persons gathered in front of the police station, requiring his release, he had escaped. Kosovo Police is conducting an operation plan “unaza e çeliktë” in order to localize the escaped person.In addition, the state prosecutor in the Basic Prosecution in Mitrovica has been informed about the situation, while investigative procedures are going on at the scene. As a result of preliminary activities regarding the negligence, the temporary suspension measure of 48 hours has been imposed against deputy commander of the police station, while together with the Police Inspectorate further investigative procedures will be conducted in order to clarify all circumstances of the case.  

Statstikat e përgjithshme: 2025-01-14
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