Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

One suspect, detained for ‘aggravated theft’

On 20.01.2014 at 07:12, KP was informed that in the street “UÇK” Peja, respectively in the premises of University “Haxhi Zeka“ in the offices of Faculty of Law, an aggravated theft was committed, unknown persons got inside this facility opening window by force to enter in the offices of the faculty in which case they were vandalized. Forensics and Investigation Unit came to examine the scene.Suspects stole two computer units, two monitors and two USB sticks, property of this faculty, in the offices of administration and IT. Respective investigation units undertook all necessary measures in accordance with authorizations and in total cooperation with state prosecution. Initially investigators interviewed the complainer (the case reporter) of the case, Kosovo citizen Xh. K. (1976), who was a security of the premises of this university during the night, but at about 10:00 after starting investigation police imposed against him a detention measure of 48 h was, by the decision of the state prosecutor from Basic Prosecution for general crimes in Peja. The case will be preceded at the State Prosecution from the Unit of Investigation station Peja.  

Statstikat e përgjithshme: 2025-01-14
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