Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Narcotic suspected to be ‘Heroinë’ is found

Pejë, 27 nëntor 2014
Kosovo Police through its legal methods for collecting relevant information, which can lead in prevention and detection of criminal acts and illegal activities, that can endanger order and safety of citizens, today on 27.11.2014, has received an information that some unknown persons hid a suspicious bag in a location, which is in the area of responsibility of the Regional Police Directorate Peja.
Relevant police units immediately undertook the police actions and at the suspicious location found the suspicious bag, in which was found narcotic substance suspected to be “Heroin”. Other relevant police units came immediately at the scene to perform necessary police actions. The suspicious substance was confiscated from the unit anti-drugs RPD-Peja and substance was measured, and it was over seven (7) kg.
Police investigators are in the process of identification and arrest of suspected persons, in order to bring them in front of the justice as soon as possible.
All police actions are undertaken in complete coordination with competent prosecutor. 

Statstikat e përgjithshme: 2025-01-14
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