Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Information of public opinion about the article “Evidence rooms-unsafe” published in the daily newspaper Koha Ditore.

Kosovo Police, in order to inform the opinion properly regarding the article published today (18.03.2014) in daily newspaper Koha Ditore titled “Evidence room-unsafe” that as a source has the KPI report, published in November 2013 with Nr. 5/2013 titled Evidence rooms in Kosovo Police, clarifies as follows:Kosovo Police continuously paid special attention to the storage and safety of evidence and securing additional necessary equipments for evidence rooms at the General Directorate as well as at all regional directorates in which the conditions were improved continuously.Kosovo Police has just received the KPI report with the recommendation to which a journalist referred to and has undertaken all necessary measures to continue to improve condition for where recommendations were given.Initially is drafted an action plan for implementation of each recommendation and until now all recommendation given by KPI are completed.From the period when the inspections were conducted up to now, all improvements in these rooms are done according to the required international standards, therefore we clarify for the opinion that the article of the journalist does not correspond with the real actual situation in these rooms. These rooms are safe and have all the additional equipments including the advanced technology for evidence storage, since, except the capital investments from the police we have also received very valuable donations from ICITAP (International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program). KP Training department continuously organized trainings for police officers responsible for these evidence rooms.All evidence rooms have armored doors and have special codes for access, 24 hours camera monitoring, special ventilation, sensors against humidity, water, smoke and fire.Controlling and testing the securing equipments as alarms and other equipments is regularly done in order to test their function.Also a Standard Operational Procedure regarding evidence rooms is approved, which is harmonized with new equipments and in accordance to the conditions of work in these rooms.Therefore we consider that the opinion should be informed properly and correct, having in consideration that KPI Report published in November 2013 does not correspond with the real condition in evidence room because after publishing this report the condition in these rooms was improved noticeably as a result of capital investments of KP and donations donated by ICITAP. Management of Kosovo Police is dedicated that within the budgetary ability continue with investments in this direction knowing the importance of storing, administering and securing the evidences. 

Statstikat e përgjithshme: 2025-01-14
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