Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Four persons arrested under the ground suspicion for smuggling with migrants, document forgery and organized crime

The Directorate of Organized Crime Investigation after many months of intensive investigations, today on 02.10.2014 conducted a wide police operation related with the criminal activities of a well structured group, suspected to continuously dealt with smuggling with migrants toward western countries.The police operation coded “SHKEMBIMI” was conducted in several regions, including Gilani, Ferizaj, Prizreni and Peja (five locations), which resulted with the arrest of criminal group consisted of four suspected persons.The arrested suspects are:1. A. K. year of birth – 1988 – Kosovar/albanian2. S. J. year of birth -1970 – Kosovar/ albanian3. R. S. year of birth – 1974 – Kosovar/ albanian4. N. S. year of birth -1980 – Kosovar/ albanianThe suspects for this illegal activity are suspected of using various methods including cooperation with suspects from Serbia and Hungary, who for illegal material benefits endangered life of their victims – Kosovo citizens.For its criminal activities this group used roads from Kosovo through Serbia toward Hungary, in order that from there continue toward other destinations at EU countries. This criminal group used various vehicles as well as regular bus lines circulating from the Republic of Kosovo to Serbia for transportation of victims.Faqe 1 nga 2________________________________________________________________________Adresa: Rr. Luan Haradinaj pn. 10000 Prishtinë – Kosovë, Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Policisë së Kosovës, Illegal benefits of this group for a migrant are allegedly ranged from one thousand seven hundred (1,700) Euros to two thousand three hundred (2,300) Euros, depending on final destination.It should be noted that during the investigation Kosovo Police has cooperated with Hungarian police and as a result of this investigation and cooperation, so far there have been identified over thirty (30) victims of this crime belonging to different regions of Kosovo, who were deceived by this criminal group.During this police operation the following material evidences have been seized: 1. 1- (one) carbine rifle-model M 48 calibre 7.9 mm2. 42- (forty-two) cartridges of different calibres;3. 9- (nine) mobile phones;4. 15 (fifteen) SIM cards of different mobile operators;5. 2- (two) USBs;6. 1- (one) passport and other documents that can be used as material evidences. Suspects were taken into custody for further court proceedings while the case investigations are ongoing on in order to identify the other possible suspects. Kosovo Police remains committed for combating all illegal activities, including smuggling of migrants  

Statstikat e përgjithshme: 2024-06-03
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