Prishtina, July 2015
On date 16/07/2015, Unit of DITN in Prishtina, based on the information provided through operational-investigative methods, conducted a police operation in the Keçekolla village in Prishtina, because it was suspected that in a private property (in a greenhouse) narcotic plants were cultivated.
Police units at the scene have meet and arrested two suspects, who were taking care and watering the plants.
Arrested suspects are:
• M. Rr. (1988) – male A/Kosovar,
• A. H. (1993) – male A/Kosovar,
Relevant police units have clarified and seized 42 processed plans, suspected to be Cannabis Sativa, of a height 40 cm up to 1 m.
Suspects are sent in police station for interview and further legal proceedings.