Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Three suspects arrested for the offence ‘murder in attempt’

Mitrovicë, 24 September 2017

On 24th of September on the afternoon hours has occurred a fight where the victim male, Albanian 27 years old from Mitrovica was wounded. 

The relevant police units upon arriving at the scene have informed that the wounded person is R. Xh., where it is suspected that he was wounded by fire weapon. The victim was treated in the regional hospital in Mitrovica then was taken to KCUC.

In the scene were arrested three suspects S. D. 26 years old, A. D. 30 years old and A. D. 25 years old, while as material evidences there was seized an automatic weapon as well as 32 cartridges.

After interviewing procedures, the three suspects has been imposed the police detention measure of 48 hours.

The Police investigators led by the case prosecutor are investigating the case for solving the circumstances regarding this case.


General Statistics: 2025-01-14
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed