Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Three (3) persons arrested on the suspicion of document forgery at the Prishtina International Airport

Prishtina 22st of December 2021
Implementation of police duties and powers in professional manner resulted yesterday, 21.12.2021 at 19:00, that Kosovo Police respectively the police authorities at the Prishtina International Airport “Adem Jashari” during the check and verification of documents for border crossing respectively for traveling outside the Republic of Kosovo, in three cases were encountered three suspected persons that were stopped on the suspicion of document falsification (permit of stay, visa and passport) and they were arrested by the Kosovo border authorities.
The competent prosecutor was informed related to the case and by his order three cases have been filed while three (3) suspects are taken to detention for further proceedings.
The Kosovo Police authorities at the Prishtina International Airport are committed to efficient and effective management of state border based on the most advanced international standards.
General Statistics: 2025-01-14
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