Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

The third suspect arrested for the case of robbery

Prishtinë, 29 August 2017 –Today at about 13:00, the Investigation Unit of the South Police Station in Prishtina in cooperation with the Police units of Ferizaj, have managed to arrest the third suspect for the case of robbery which occurred days before in Prishtina.

The suspect: M.Q, male, 19 years old, citizen of the Republic of Kosovo was taken to the Police and currently the police investigators are conducting the necessary police procedures.

Two suspects arrested for robbery



Prishtinë, 25 August 2017 – Yesterday, the Investigation Unit of the South Police Station in Prishtina, in cooperation with the police units of Lipjan and Ferizaj, have managed to identify and arrest two suspects for a case of robbery theft.

The case occurred on 21.08.2017 in Prishtina, exactly in a store in the Dardania neighbourhood, where the suspects have stolen the victim’s (female) some cash (about 700 euro). (It’s about the case / video record which is recently circulating in various portals and mediums).


Regarding the case in question, there were arrested:


A.K, male, 22 years old, citizen of the Republic of Kosovo  and

P.F, male, 21 years old, citizen of the Republic of Kosovo. 


These persons, by the order of the State Prosecutor were taken to the detention centre in Prishtina, where actually the investigators are conducting the necessary investigative and procedural actions relating the case, before the case is transferred to the Court 



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