Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

The police operational order “Stop drugs in schools” during October, handcuffed 114 suspects, from them 28 drug dealers and 76 drug users

Prishtinë, 06th of November 2017

In the wake of active actions, Kosovo Police during one-month period, respectively from 02.10.2017 – 31.10.2017 have carried out police activities in the field of prevention and also in the operational filed in function of effective implementation of the Operational Order “Stop drugs in schools”.

In the field of prevention there conducted visits and contacts with the school personnel and in cooperation with other relevant institutions, lectures were held, leaflets were distributed and police officers were engaged in patrolling around the schools

In the operational field, there were searched several persons who frequented the security area of 300 m, around the schools and there were also searched vehicles, premises and other suspected places.

According to the plan for implementation of activities, there are engaged police officers from the Regional Directorate of Police, Police Stations, Directorate of Policing in Community and Prevention, Directorate of Intelligence and Analysis as well as the Directorate for Investigation of Trafficking with Narcotics.

        * For the one-month reporting period there were conducted:

–        933  visits and contacts with the school personnel
–      1813  patrolling about schools
–      2385  searched persons
–        958  searched vehicles
–          75  searched premises
–          23  lectures in schools,
–      1505 participants, pupils,
–        100 participants, parents
–      1265  leaflets, booklets            
* As a result of police engagement there were:

-initiated 101 cases
-arrested 114 persons

There are seized:
–    Marihuana 3 kg e 781.75 g (in this plan)
–    Heroine 267,5 g ( outside school yards)
–    2 plants of cannabis ( outside the school yards)
–    1 ecstasy pill (outside the school yards)

Other seizures

–    4804.6 euro
–    4 weapons
–    54 cartridges
–    1 iron boxing
–    1 vehicle and
–    1 metallic rod

Based on the statistical data and other activities in the field, it can be noticed that the largest number of cases was initiated in the security perimeter of 300 m, around schools such as parks, roads and other areas.

From 101 cases:

–      13 cases inside yards,                                                                                           
–      27 cases near school yards 
–      61 in the perimeter of 300m

From the general number of the arrested persons (114):  
–  25 are pupils (of all secondary schools)
–  89 has not been pupils
From the general number of the arrested persons (114):
–    38 persons has been drug dealers
–    76 drug users.

Kosovo Police remains committed in the combat against criminal actions and especially combat against trafficking with narcotics,


KP Information Office

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