Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

The Operational Plan “MASAZHI 2019”

Prishtinë, 20 March 2019

Kosovo Police, Directorate of Investigation of Trafficking in Human Beings (DHTQNJ), in cooperation with other respective institutions, such as the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Work Inspectorate, ATK, Municipal inspectors of Prishtina and Fushë Kosova, organized an operational plan for inspection of facilities, massage salons in the municipality of Prishtina and Fushë Kosova  “MASAZHI 2019”.
This inspection has been conducted with the aim to prevent all criminal offences, early identification of possible victims of trafficking as well as combating all kinds of informality.
Results from this operational plan conducted in February and March are:

•    There are inspected in total 48 facilities.
•    There have been legitimated 211 employees (180-F and 31-M)
•    Foreign citizens 20 employees (11-Albanians, 6 Thai, 1-Italian, 1-Romanians, 1-Macedonians)
•    Also in those facilities there have been encountered working 5 females under the age of 18.
•    In two separated cases it resulted in the criminal offence ‘enabling and extortion in prostitution’ as well as ‘providing facilities for prostitution’, where there were arrested in total 9 suspects (8-females and 1 Albanian male).
•    With the decision of the competent inspectorate there were closed 22 facilities.
In 2019 DHTQNJ identified 3 cases of ‘enabling prostitution’ as well as arrested in total 11 suspects.
Kosovo Police through the competent directorate shall continue to conduct such operations in other facilities.
Following you can find the video-link with several police activities:

KP Information Office
GPD, Prishtinë

General Statistics: 2024-06-03
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed