Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

The new building of the Police Station for Border Surveillance in Radavc of Peja is inaugurated

Prishtinë, 13 gusht 2020
Today, on 13.08.2020, in a solemn ceremony there was inaugurated the new building of the Police Station for Border Surveillance in Radavc of Peja. Participants in the inauguration ceremony were: The General Director of KP Mr. Rashit Qalaj, the representative from the American ICITAP, the mayor of Peja, representatives from the State Police of Albania, superiors and officers of the Kosovo Police.
The new facility will provide better working conditions and activity for police officers working within the border surveillance for that region. Police officers using the facility will monitor the 101km border line (79km with Montenegro and 22km with Serbia).
During the solemn ceremony a minute of silence was held for the police officers who lost their lives from COVID-19. Afterwards, the General Director of KP, Mr. Qalaj during his speech, among other things, said that in this time of pandemic, the Kosovo Police is engaged, together with other institutions of the country, in taking preventive measures to spread the pandemic. Construction of police station facility in Radavc creates better conditions for border police officers, who take care of Kosovo’s borders.
The Mayor of Peja, Mr. Muhaxheri, also addressed the ceremony and congratulated the KP employees for the new facility, the Commander of the Police Station for Border Surveillance in Radavc, Azmir Zehiqi said that earlier there was a lack of space for police work and activities, so he said he was happy to have a modern facility that meets all the conditions from now on. The Director of the Regional Directorate of Border Police-West, Colonel Nexhmi Krasniqi also had a speech, who said that the construction of this facility has facilitated the work of members of the Kosovo Police and police officers of this station, have managed and will further manage to combat negative phenomena, mainly cross-border smuggling.
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