Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

The economic crime operation of the Police “Taxisti 2023” continues, the number of people arrested for money counterfeiting reaches four (4)

Prishtinë, 3 May 2023
As you are informed through the official press release of the Police dated 13, April 2023, regarding the operation conducted by the Kosovo Police against counterfeit coins where over ten thousand euros (10,000.00) were confiscated, of (2) euros alleged of being counterfeited as well as other evidence; “The economic crimes of the Kosovo Police cut off a supply line of counterfeit coins, making it impossible to use it in our country, two suspects were arrested, thousands of counterfeit euros were confiscated”, today the Kosovo Police arrested two ( 2) other suspectes involved in this case.
Kosovo Police, respectivelly the Directorate for the Investigation of Economic Crimes and Corruption, through the Regional Unit for the Investigation of Economic Crimes and Corruption in Ferizaj, continued its active work regarding the aforementioned case (published on 13, April 2023), where with additional authorizations by the Prosecutor of the case, active and professional investigations have been conducted by the competent investigators regarding the case and it has been achieved to provide new evidence for two (2) other suspects for having collaborated with the first suspect. with initials A.L. (arrested on 13.04.2023) buying and distributing counterfeit money in different countries.
The other two (2) suspects in this case with initials (L.L. and R.K.), who are already arrested, there is a well-grounded suspicion that with their actions they are suspected of having committed the criminal offense of “Money counterfeit”.
Today, on03.05.2023, the two suspects mentioned above were interviewed in the presence of the defense lawyers appointed according to their official duties and after the interview, by decision of the competent Prosecutor, they were detained for 48 hours for further legal procedures.
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