Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

The delegation of experts against terrorism from EU visited Kosovo Police, hosted by general director of KP Mr. Rashit Qalaj and its cooperators

Prishtina, 4th of July 2019

An EU delegation of experts against terrorism was hosted today in Kosovo Police by the General Director of Kosovo Police Mr. Rashit Qalaj and its cooperation.

Subject of discussion with the EU experts was the identification of needs, and working together the priority actions of Kosovo in the fight against terrorism, prevention and combat of violent extremism as well as the conditions of their implementation and the possibilities for the support from EU for priority actions.

EU Experts expressed their high appreciation for the commitment and support for Kosovo in drafting the Joint Action Plan against terrorism for the Western Balkans, where the engagement and cooperation of Kosovo in this important matter was welcomed from other EU member states as well.

KP Information Office
GPD, Prishtina

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