Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

The cooperation of the anti-drug units in Prishtina and Ferizaj handcuffs two (2) suspects for possession and distribution of Cocaine, a car and other evidence ere confiscated

Prishtinë, 26 September 2021
Kosovo Police, Directorate for Investigation of Narcotics Trafficking in Ferizaj, after several months of investigation and application of special measures in the case codenamed “ODA”, in order to implement the tactical plan, with the assistance of the anti-drug unit in Pristina and The Patrol of the Police Station in Hani i Elezit, yesterday on 25.09.2021, around 11:45, in the street “Adem Jashari” in Hani i Elezit, stopped for control the vehicle type VW Passat, with local license plates, brown, which was driven by the suspect with initials NL with passenger, the suspect BT.
The car was initially stopped by the Police Patrol, but after the suspects noticed the Anti-Drug investigators, the driver started running away from the scene. Police patrols and Anti-Drug investigators started to chase. In the process of escaping with the above-mentioned car, in “Imri Curri” street, the passenger threw a black bag from the car window. After a pursuit of about 1.5 km, in the village of Paldenica in Hani i Elezit, the patrol managed to stop the car with the above-mentioned persons. During the control of the vehicle and persons, nothing suspicious was found, while in “Imri Curri” street, on the right side of the road, in an open pit, near the water supply network, a black sock was found, inside which there was a white substance suspected of being Cocaine, wrapped in a transparent nylon bag.
The above-mentioned persons were arrested and taken to the Police Station in Hani i Elezit and then to Ferizaj for further police procedures.
Forensics (DRP Ferizaj) came to the scene, who took photos and took the evidence for examination.
In this regard, the competent Prosecutor was contacted, in consultation with him and by order of the judge, in order to provide evidence related to the case, in Prishtina an apartment was searched by the anti-drugs in Prishtina. During the search of the apartment, nothing suspected was found, while in the corridor, in a cabinet-mailbox without a name, a digital scale was found, which is suspected to have been used for measuring narcotics.
In the quality of material evidence were seized / confiscated, the following evidence:
D#1 – Narcotics suspected to be Cocaine, weighting 205.8 gram
D#2- telephone of the type Iphone XR, red
D#3 – telephone of the type Iphone 8, purple
D#4- Para: 1 X 100 euro, 1 X5 Euro, 1X10 Serbian dinar, 2 X 100 Macedonian Denar
D#5- A bank card
D#6 – a key of the vehicle BMW
D#7 – Vehicle of the type VW Passat , national plates, brown
D#8 – Iphone 11, black,
D#9 – A bank card
D#P – A digital scale, black.
Kosovo Police anti-drug units in Pristina and Ferizaj are working to identify and apprehend at least one other person suspected of being involved in the case.
After interviewing the two (2) suspects now arrested by the Police, the State Prosecutor issued a Decision on Detention for 48 hours, for further legal proceedings.
General Statistics: 2025-01-14
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed