Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

The Border Police prevents the smuggling of goods in Jashanica of Leposaviq

Prishtinë, 3 May 2023
Kosovo Police, the Fast Intervention Unit within the Regional Directorate of the Border Police North , in implementation of measures to prevent and combat illegality and smuggling, intensified tactical and operational controls in the field.
During the implementation of legal duties and authorizations, police patrolling and monitoring of suspicious movements in the border line, specifically in the secondary roads of the villages of Leposaviq, precisely in the village of Jashanicë, the border police encountered and prevented a case of smuggling of goods, in which case two vehicles (van) with Serbian license plates were stopped, suspected of smuggling significant quantities of goods such as: Coca Cola, crates – alcoholic beverages (beer), food products, as well as money: 1370 euros and 6600 dinars.
The case is being handled by the competent units for further legal procedures.
General Statistics: 2025-01-14
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Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed