Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Six suspects arrested by Police, over 82 kg narcotics, weapons, vehicles and other items seized

Prishtinë, on 21 June 2021
Kosovo Police in cooperation and coordination with the State Prosecutor’s Office, in continuation of the engagements in the prevention and fight against criminal acts, namely the Directorate for Investigation of Narcotics Trafficking (DHTN), – unit in Prishtina, conducted a police operation in the region of Prishtina and of Gjilan, which resulted in the arrest of six (6) suspects.
The arrest of the suspects was made on the grounded suspicion of being involvement in the criminal offenses “Unauthorized purchase, possession, sale and distribution of narcotics, psychotropic substances or analogues”, “Unauthorized possession and use of weapons”, “Manufacturing and distribution” of harmful medical products and without labels” as well as “ Avoidance of mandatory customs payments or excise duties ”.
With the order of the competent prosecutor, four locations controlled, out of which, two residential apartments, one in Prishtina and the other in Fushë Kosovë, as well as two houses in Gjilan and an additional facility, suspected to be used by the group in question for hiding, selling and distributing narcotics, as well as for smuggling drugs of suspicion origin.
During the quality control, as material evidence in different locations the following were found hidden in different places and means:
 82 kg and 914 gr (eighty-two kg and nine-hundred and forty gr marihuana).
 100 packages of smuggled drugs, weighting 100 kg and 180 gr
 1 hunting gun with 35 bullets as well as two nylon bags filled with gunpowder and projectiles for ammunition of the hunting gun.
 1 weapon ‘AK- 47’ with a magazine.
 1 revolver ‘TT’ with a magazine and 6 bullets.
 1 long barrel monocular, 174 bullets.
 5 various vehicles.
 15.774,50 € (Fifteen thousand seven hundred and seventy-four euros and fifty cents), as well as 20 (twenty) CHF.
 Drugs of various types.
The suspects were arrested and by the decision of the competent prosecutor they were taken to 48 (forty-eight) hours to detention.
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