Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police


Road safety and the police actions related to the achievement of objectives in prevention of accidents were closely observed by the senior management of Police

Prishtinë, 20 August 2020


Kosovo Police has as prior objective providing road safety for traffic participants and prevention of accidents, where the implementation of plans and police activities were observed by the general Director of Police Mr. Rashit Qalaj, accompanied by the Director of the Operations Department Mr. Afrim Ahmeti and Lieutenant Colonel Jeton Rexhepi Director of the Department of Road Traffic.


Kosovo Police in continuity undertook combined police activities, as well as sensitizing projects with the aim of raising awareness and prevention as well as actions against violators in traffic.


  • 62 less persons dead or -35.42%, referring to the report of the Decade of Road Safety 2010-2019.
  • 16 less persons dead or -12.40%, in 2019 compared to 2018.
  • 15 less persons dead or -34.09%, in the period January-June 2020 compared to the same period of 2019.

These activities being undertaken by the traffic unit aim to prevent misdemeanor and road traffic accidents as well as they are in accordance with activities being undertaken within the operational plan

‘ROADPOL 2020” (European Roads Policing Network).


This road safety situation is an indicator about the work done by everyone, including institutions, drivers, other participants in traffic, without leaving aside the influence of the legislation in the road traffic.


Kosovo Police, requires and calls all traffic participants to respect the rules of road traffic and to adapt conditions and circumstances of traffic, with the aim to avoid accidents and to increase safety in traffic.

General Statistics: 2025-01-14
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed