Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police


With the invitation of Kosovo Police and in partnership with the Association of Women in Kosovo Police, on March 7 and 8, 2020, in Pristina, the meeting of the Steering Board of the International Association of Police Women in the World (IAWP) it is being held.

The meeting of this level is held for the first time in the Balkans in the 105 years of the history of this prestigious police association that is stretched in almost all over the world.

On the eve of International Women’s Day 8 March, Kosovo Police have the honour of hosting and bringing together in Kosovo the senior police officers from around the world, including the region and Kosovo. In honour of this holiday, Kosovo Police on 8.3.2020 will organize a solemn evening where participants in addition to entertainment will have the opportunity to get to know each other and to know the Kosovo Police, its history and parts of the traditions and culture of our country.

As a continuation to this important meeting, on March 9 and 10, 2020, a two-day conference on the topic “The Role of Police Women in Responding to Transnational Threats” will be held.

Moderated by IWAP board members, the conference will present various topics related to the regional and international challenges of police organizations and beyond, with a focus on the role and empowerment of police women in the world.

During the conference, various personalities in the field of security and justice, civil society from the country and the world will present in panels topics related to the empowerment of women in the security sector, not only in Kosovo but around the globe.

Kosovo Police as a host of this international meeting will have the opportunity to present itself as a relatively new police organization which gained experiences and practices of various international countries.

Kosovo Police thanks the IWAP Steering Board for holding the meeting and conference in Kosovo as well as our strategic partners that enabled its organization and holding.

The IWAP Steering Board meeting and international conference are held under the auspices of the General Director of Kosovo Police, with the support of international partners OSCE, US Embassy-INL Program and ICITAP.

All media are invited to attend this conference.

Venue: Hotel Emerald

Dates: 09/10.03.2020 from 10:00


What is IAWP?

The International Association of Women Police (IAWP) was founded in the United States in Los Angeles, California in 1915. The aim of the IAWP is to strengthen, unite and increase the capacity of women in police internationally. IAWP members now enumerate over 73 different countries around the world, covering a total of 26 regions. The IAWP offers training, mentoring, scholarships, peer support, police performance achievement awards, networking and opportunities to develop managerial skills and lead of the organization. The IAWP highlights issues affecting women in law enforcement worldwide. It also it has Women Police magazine, a quarterly publication.

The Association of Women in Kosovo Police (AWKP) is a member of this worldwide association. Kosovo Police is represented by Colonel Taibe Canolli- Brajshori, Director of the Human Resources Department, who is a member of the IAWP Steering Board and she is the IAWP Region 15 Coordinator and covers 24 Central and Eastern European States (Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia , Turkey and Ukraine). From Kosovo Police also the Sergeant Antigona Citaku-Dibrani is nominated as co-coordinator of the same region.

General Statistics: 2025-01-14
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