Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police


Pejë, 7 December
/ Today on 07.12.2015, at about 02:50 o’clock, in the main
road that crosses the village Gorozhdec, has occurred an accident, shooting
with firearm and as a consequence there were some property damages (a private
house), and damage with force of a monument in that village.


Upon receiving the
information by the Operational Center within the RDP Pejë, the patrolling units
within the S/police station of Gorozhdec together with other patrolling units
of the Police station in Peja, have reacted in the scene.  From the initial evaluation on the scene,
there could be noticed a burned vehicle with fire and near there a house hit by
4 bullets.


Meanwhile, the police
units were notified even for a partial damage of the monument (with force or
tough tool according to the evidences in the scene), that is about 200-300
meters from the scene where the shooting and arson of the above mentioned
vehicle has occurred.


There were no injured
persons in this case.


So, beside the police
units mentioned above, there were notified the firefighter unit from Peja as
well and regional investigation of police units within the RDP Pejë, Prosecutor
of the Basic Court in Peja and the whole commanding chain of the PS Pejë, but
also of the Regional Directorate of Peja.


The case is being
investigated intensively with collection of evidences, citizen’s statements of
that village, but also of the other villages crossing through the Gorozhdec
village. The cooperation between the police units of the police station and
Regional Directorate of Police in Peja is well coordinated and in fully
cooperation with the prosecutor of this case is being worked to solve the case.
Of course that the police actions for the overall safety in the whole territory
of Peja, and respectively in this village, will be reviewed


The case according to
the case competency will be investigated by the Regional Investigation Unit –


Regarding the case we
have also contacted the representative of the Gorozhdec village with the aim to
inform him that this case is considered as an isolated case and that the
situation in this village is stable and quiet.


Immediately, we have undertaken
additional measures in the field with the police units in order to maintain the
order and public peace as well as to prevent any eventual possible incident.


It is worth mentioning that on 4/12/2015 in the
Mayor’s office of MA Peja, was held a meeting with the minister for Returning
of Communities, representative of Gorozhdec village Milosh Dimitrijeviq,
members of municipal Assembly Pejë and Slobodan Petroviq municipal officer in
the office for communities and Return. In this meeting the situation about the
security condition where the Serbian community lives was evaluated as quiet and
stable. Kosovo Police in this meeting has been presented by the senior staff of
KP and by the Regional Directorate of Kosovo Police Pejë and Police Station –


Regarding the case are being conducted intensive investigations
by the regional unit of investigations in the incident location and around that


General Statistics: 2024-06-03
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed