Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police


Prishtina, 31st of May 2019

Dear citizens,

Referring to the arising concerns in the public opinion these days, and referring to the incidents or attacks towards roma female victim from Podujeva, being attacked and lynched in various ways even in social media, we inform your that;

Kosovo Police has verified background of the victim and published the information that the mentioned person by the media, attacked in two occasions, is detained and checked her background several times by the Police, and that she is not suspected and is not involved in any case of kidnapping as pretended in the opinion.

Therefore she is not a threat to anybody, there is no need to be concerned and until now there was no victim or reporting for any such case against her.

Therefore, Kosovo Police informs the citizens and media that the person in question is not a threat to anybody and she should enjoy all the rights of freedom of movement without being hindered by anyone and there should be no incite of hatred against citizens of any community.

In contrary, Kosovo Police will undertake all the necessary police actions based on its legal authorizations in order to prevent such incidents and it will arrest suspects involved in this case such as in Lipjan and Ferizaj.

Kosovo Police based on the official duty, closely cooperates with justice bodies and other competent institutions to shelter the victim.

The following link is the official video statement;

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