Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Police activities for greater safety in the road traffic

Prishtinë, 31 January 2019

Kosovo Police with the aim to increase the level of road traffic safety and decrease of accidents, in continuity is undertaking activities and measures in implementing laws in the field of road traffic.

Referring to the conditions of the road traffic safety as well as weather conditions during this period, today on 31.01.2019 police officers besides performing regular duties in controlling and supervising traffic, gave the message for raising awareness of traffic participants through spreading leaflets “YOU SHOULD COME, NOT THE NEWS OF YOU!”, “FOR A SAFER YEAR IN TRAFFIC”, as well as “FOCCUS IN DRIVING”, in order to have an increased care while driving vehicles in traffic.

Kosovo Police continues to require and call all participants in the road traffic, especially to drivers of vehicles to respect legal provisions, to increase vigilance, to take care and respect rules deriving from the law on traffic, to guarantee a greater safety for all participants in the road traffic, with the aim to avoid road accidents in general, especially those with fatality. Especially now when weather conditions affect in reducing visibility in the road, where in some roads there may be difficulties in movement especially in the late night hours and in the early morning where there may be frosts.
Kosovo Police, even though the penalty is not the primary aim, against all participants in the road traffic who fail to respect laws on traffic there will be imposed legal measures.

Following you can find photos from the today’s activity of spreading leaflets from Police: 

General Statistics: 2025-01-14
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed