Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

One suspect arrested for setting fire to a vehicle and possession of narcotics alleged to be cocaine and marijuana

Prishtinë, 01 December 2016

Referring the case “Arson” reported in Police on 29.10.2016, which occurred in the street “Ahmet Krasniqi” in Prishtina, where some suspects had set fire to a vehicle Mercedes, white colour with local plates, which was parked in front of an apartment “Tregtia” in Arberia neighbourhood. As a result of intensive investigations from the Police investigators from the Prishtina region, it was managed to arrest one suspect. 

As a consequence of the fire caused to Mercedes vehicle, there were also damaged two other vehicles parked near the vehicle in question, as well as material damages were caused in a part of the apartment Tregtia, including Causing general danger of the residents, since the apartment has been inhabited.

Regarding the case was notified the State prosecutor on duty who had authorized the police units to undertake all investigative actions for the criminal offences:

Causing general danger sanctioned from article 365, par. 1 of KCPC

Sanctioned arson from article 334, par.3 of KCPC and

Destruction or damage of property sanctioned from article 333, par.1 and 2 of KCPC

Regional Investigation Unit in Prishtina, after intensive investigations and undertaking some investigative-operational actions has managed to identify the suspect O. B. born on 20.07.1985, who is suspected to have committed the above-mentioned criminal offences.

During the investigations, it was also understood that the suspect was dealing with unauthorized purchase, possession and distribution of narcotics, and for this was notified the respective unit from the Directorate for Investigation of Trafficking with Narcotics, which coordinated and cooperated in conducting joint investigative actions regarding the case and the suspect. 

As a result of joint investigations, on 30.11.2016, at about 23:00 o’clock, was arrested the suspect O. B. and by the order of the pre-trial judge was controlled his apartment.

Initially, during controlling the suspect, there was found a small bag with powder of white colour, suspected to be cocaine, weighing 0.4 grams, while during controlling his apartment in the Arbëria neighbourhood are found:

Five (5) bags filled with narcotics suspected to be cocaine, weighing 7.4 grams,

Two (2) bags with narcotics of marijuana type, weighing 42.7 grams,

One (1) digital scale and one DVR (video recorder). 

It is worth mentioning that during controlling the suspect’s apartment, inside the apartment have been two other persons D. K and E. B. who after the interview and by the decision of the prosecutor were released in regular procedure.

While regarding the case of arson, causing general danger and destruction or damage of property, from the suspect was seized the vehicle of Mercedes type with local plates, which is suspected to have been used for committing the criminal offence. 

By the order of the prosecutor on duty of basic prosecution – Serious Crimes Department, the suspect was detained and sent to the detention centre.

Kosovo Police remains committed in combating all the criminal offences and to bring all the suspects involved in criminal offences, to the justice bodies. 


KP Information Office




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