Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

One suspect arrested and over five kg marihuana seized

Prishtinë, 9 November 2018
        Directorate of Investigation of Trafficking in Narcotics (DHTN), section of Prizren, after preliminary investigations, managed to collect reliable data that a suspect, in his house, possesses narcotics of the type marihuana.

Police, informed the prosecutor on duty of the Serious Crimes and with his order and with the consent of the pre-trial judge, received the permission for searching the house of the suspect.

On 08.11.2018 from 15:10 the section of DHTN Prizren, with the assistance of the Fast Reaction Unit, there has been searched the house and additional facilities, property of the suspect.

During the search, under the roof of the house there has been found and seized: four (4) packages of marihuana weighting about 5 kg and 260 gram.

About the case in question, the suspect: A.G. born on 1983, m/k/a, with the decision of the prosecutor on duty for the Serious Crimes has been taken to police custody of 48 hours.

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