Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Kosovo Police with concrete plan “Stop to the drugs in schools“

Kosovo Police with concrete plan “Stop to the drugs in schools“

Prishtina, 16th of October 2017

Kosovo Police in the implementation of the Operational Order “Stop to the drugs in schools“ in the period of 09.10.2017 to 15.10.2017 implemented its police activities in the prevention aspect and operational one. 

In the field of prevention are implemented visits and contacts with the school personnel, in cooperation with the FHC are held lectures, delivered leaflets and are engaged police officer in patrolling near schools. 

In operational aspect are searched several persons who were frequenting in the security area of 300 m near schools, also vehicles were searched, premises and other suspected locations. 

For the implementation of these activities are engaged police officers from the Regional Police Directorates, Police Stations, Directorate of Community Policing and Preventive, Directorate of Intelligence and Analyze and Directorate of Investigation of Trafficking with Narcotics. 

        * for the period of reporting are implemented:

  232  visits and contacts with school personnel,

  501  patrolling near schools,

  791  searched persons, 

  318 searched vehicles, 

   31  searched premises,

     7  lectures at schools,

595  participants,

1070  leaflets,

* as a result of this additional efforts:

-27 cases initiated 

-34 persons arrested 

Altogether are confiscated: 

Marihuana 1 kg e 1794.68 g ( 13.41 g near schools, 1 kg e 781.27 g in the realization of the plan)

Vehicle 1, 

Metallic rod 1,  

Based on the statistics and the activities in the field it is noticed that the greater number of cases was initiated in the security perimeter of 300 m around schools such as in parks, streets and other environments. 

From 27 cases:

  3 cases inside the school yards, 

  3 cases near the school yards,    

21 cases in the 300 m perimeter 

Of the total number of arrested persons: 

–  10 persona drug dealers, 

–  24 costumes. 

Kosovo Police remains committed in the fight against criminal acts including the fight against trafficking with narcotics.


KP Information Office



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