Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Kosovo Police was officially visited by the Head of Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo Mr. Kadri Veseli


Prishtinë, 11 July 2019

Today, on 11 July 2019, Kosovo Police was visited by the head of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo Mr. Kadri Veseli. In the occasion of this visit important issues were discussed regarding the general safety in the country as well as other issues about the welfare of police officers.

During his speech, among others he mentioned that we are aware about the challenges and difficulties faced by Kosovo Police in performing duties stating “We will support Kosovo Police with special emphasize to early retirement, life insurance, health insurance as well as creating infrastructural conditions with the aim of combating organized crime and corruption as well as in the strategic interest safety and stability in every part of Kosovo”

In the meeting realized in the facilities of the General KP Directorate, Mr. Qalaj initially thanked the head of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo Mr. Kadri Veseli for his visit and at the same time through a presentation informed the participants on the commitment, activities and realization of objectives of Kosovo Police for the first six months of this year, showing positive results in various fields besides various challenges faced by Kosovo Police in performing its works.

The head of the Assembly during his visit in Kosovo Police thanked Kosovo Police for providing a safe environment for all citizens of Kosovo as responsible institution for the safety in Kosovo. Also he stated that Kosovo Police is one of the most professional institutions and most trusted one in the region.

With this visit the head of the Assembly of Kosovo once more confirmed the support for Kosovo Police in combating crime and other negative phenomenon which threaten safety and stability in the country.

General Statistics: 2025-01-14
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed