Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Kosovo Police is trained by the US Federal Biro of Investigation (FBI)

 Prishtina, May 10, 2019

Significant activities and engagements, including trainings of different levels, starting from those elementary to more advanced trainings have been and remain the priority of Kosovo Police planning.
Kosovo Police, as the main law enforcement force in the country, has consistently cooperated with different states and professional agencies for the building of professional capacities of police officers.
Within  the  framework of this cooperation , the priority was to intensify  very important  supporting activities  for the KP by our American partner -ICITAP, where with their support from the 6th to the 10th of May 2019, was realized the “Training Course  – Negotiation in Crisis Situation”  a one-week training  (40 hours ) by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), for 25 members of Kosovo Police.
Out of these participants attending this training are officials from different units of Kosovo Police that has provided an excellent opportunity for gaining new practices from an agency with high authority and professionalism, such as the U.S FBI.
In addition, for the high Kosovo Police Management and Executive Command Staff a lecture was held on the topic “Commanding Concepts and Decision Making in Negotiation Crisis Situations”.
The participants underwent classroom and field exercises, which were conducted by the team of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from USA.
This training was completed with the graduation ceremony of participants in which the General Director of Kosovo Police Rashit Qalaj and senior ICITAP officials gave their closing remarks.
General Director of Kosovo Police Mr. QALAJ thanked ICITAP for the great contribution and continuous support it provides to the support of Kosovo Police, in different fields, including very necessary and professional trainings by renowned experts such as the U.S FBI.

KP Information Office                               

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