Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Kosovo Police establishes the ”TASK FORCË” for prevention of accidents in road traffic

Prishtina, 24th of July 2018

Referring to the concerning situation during this period related to the accidents in road traffic and the consequences in human life, based on the increase of the number of vehicles, including participation of all categories in the road traffic,  Kosovo Police has taken additional serious measures to increase the security level, prevention of traffic accidents and law enforcement in the function of managing and controlling of the road traffic.

Calls, awareness raising campaigns, police operational actions, the approach of the other relevant institutions having impact on changing the conditions in the traffic, raises the need of establishing additional mechanisms to contribute for a better and greater security in our roads. In this light, Kosovo Police from today has established “TASK FORCE” for prevention of accidents in road traffic.

The main goal of the TASK FORCE is that through command and control directly impact in prevention of accidents in road traffic, by engaging additional police personnel from central and local level, including Police leading staff.

The preventing action plan of this ”TASK FORCE” provides the inclusion, collaboration and coordination of various units in the field, in check points, road axes, as well as the application of various advanced methods from police units, for achieving the prevention of accidents in general but especially those accidents with fatality. Also, in order to achieve the dynamic of impact at the drivers participating in traffic will be applied “ZERO tolerance against all offenders”.

For a positive prevention effect of these planned engagements and operational measures, Kosovo Police calls all participants in traffic, especially drivers to respect rules deriving from Law on road traffic, respect the traffic signs, adapt to the road conditions especially respect the speed limit, because only this way we can contribute for greater security in the roads of our country and avoid unnecessary loss of life.

KP Information Office
DPP, Prishtina  

General Statistics: 2025-01-14
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed