Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Kosovo Police arrests three suspects for “trafficking with human beings” and identifies two victims

Prishtina, 30th of May 2017

Kosovo Police, respectively the Directorate of Investigation of Trafficking with Human Being, UITHB-Prishtina, in the series of fight of negative phenomenon and other criminal acts, conducted a several month’s investigation that resulted with the arrest of three persons, under the grounded suspicion of committing criminal offense of “trafficking with human beings” and “sexual services of trafficking”.  

Related to this case are arrested:

F. P. born 1988 f/a/k

L. K. born 1989 m/a/k

K. R. born 1990 m/a/k

First one arrested is suspected to have committed the criminal offense “trafficking with human being” article 171, while two other arrested persons are suspected of committing the criminal offense “sexual services of trafficking” article 231.

In this case are identified two other victims of trafficking, after the interview they are treated based on the procedures foreseen for the victims of trafficking. 

Related to the case, by the decision of the Basic Prosecution in Prishitna, suspects are taken to custody for 48 hours.


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