Policia e kosovësPolicija Kosova / Kosovo Police
Prishtinë, 5 January 2018 Today within the…
Prishtina, 03rd of January 2018 – today at about 03:00, the police received an information about a shooting…
Prishtina, 20 December 2017 Kosovo Police (KP), based on its commitments and planning, estimates that the security situation…
Prishtina, 16th of December 2017 after publishing a video-recording in media, where a bus is seen violating traffic…
Prizren, 15.12.2017 During an operational plan, police investigators managed to identify and arrest the suspect B. M., under…
Shtime, 14 December 2017 In todays early morning hours, Police has been informed about an armed robbery which…
Drejtor i Përgjithshëm i Policisë së Republikës së Kosovës
Kosovo Police