Policia e kosovësPolicija Kosova / Kosovo Police
Prishtinë, 26 April 2018 On the occasion of the World Day of Intellectual Property, which is marked…
Prishtinë, 20 April 2018 The Department of Investigation of Economic Crimes and Corruption respectively the Sector of…
Prishtinë, 18 April 2018 The General Director…
Prishtinë, 13 April 2018 Kosovo Police with its units, with the aim to increase the level of road…
Kosovo Police, respectively the Directorate of Investigation of Organized Crime, in cooperation with the state prosecution office, after…
In the ongoing efforts of Kosovo Police for prevention and combating negative phenomenon, especially combating trafficking with…
Drejtor i Përgjithshëm i Policisë së Republikës së Kosovës
Kosovo Police