Policia e kosovësPolicija Kosova / Kosovo Police
Prishtinë 28 February 2021, On 28.02.2021, at about 16:05, at the border crossing point in Vermicë, two suspects…
Prishtina 01st March 2021, Today at the premises of the General Directorate of KP, General director of Kosovo…
Prishtina, 11 February 2021, The General Director of the Kosovo Police, Mr. Samedin Mehmeti and the Executive Management…
Prishtinë 11th of February 2021, In the General Directorate of Kosovo Police was held an official meeting regarding…
Prishtinë, 4th of February 2021-On 04.02.2021 at about 04:00 o’clock, at the entrance of the Republic of Kosovo…
Prishtinë 8th of January 2021, Kosovo Police, based on its legal and constitutional duties and powers, is committed…
Drejtor i Përgjithshëm i Policisë së Republikës së Kosovës
Kosovo Police