Policia e kosovësPolicija Kosova / Kosovo Police
Prizren, 08 August -At about 01:30, after midnight, police in Prizren received information notifying that in the street…
Savrovë-Suharekë, 07 August -At about 13:30, regional anti-narcotics investigators raided a property in the village Savrovë, municipality of…
Prizren, 07 August -At about 16:25 minutes, police in Prizren received the information about firing with weapons in…
Prizren, 06 August At about 14:15 in the street “Sheh Emini” in Prizren, in front of the shopping…
Today on 5.8.2014, the Directorate for Investigation of the Organized Crime, after several month intensive investigation in Peja…
Prishtina, 11th of July 2014After the investigation of about three months period, the Directorate for Investigation of Trafficking…
Drejtor i Përgjithshëm i Policisë së Republikës së Kosovës
Kosovo Police