Policia e kosovësPolicija Kosova / Kosovo Police
05.02.2015, As a result of a great contusion of soil and rocks on the highway road, we inform…
Prishtina, 3 February 2015 Kosovo Police in realizing its duties and responsibilities, in function of law enforcement, combating…
Vushtrri, 28 January 2015 On 28th January 2015, at about 22:00 were arrested two persons on the reasonable…
Vushtrri, 28th January 2015 Yesterday afternoon at about 16:30, police in Vushtrri had received information that a 74…
Prishtinë 27th January 2015, 13:00 hours As a continuance of informing regarding the flow of protest, we inform…
Prishtinë 24th January 2015, 18:30 hours As a continuance of informing the opinion regarding the protest and its…
Drejtor i Përgjithshëm i Policisë së Republikës së Kosovës
Kosovo Police