Policia e kosovësPolicija Kosova / Kosovo Police
Prishtinë, 24 April 2015 -Today, on 24 April 2014, Kosovo Police with the invitation of OSCE, participated in…
Prishtinë, April 24th 2015 Referring to the yesterday’s statement of the Macedonian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), that…
Prishtinë, 20 April 2015 Kosovo Police, as a law-enforcement institution conducts its duties and responsibilities with full responsibility…
Information regarding the protest and its progress Prishtinë 18 April 2015, 17:00 o’clock As a continuation of the…
Prishtinë 18 April 2015, 14:00 o’clock Regarding the protest and its progress, we inform you that the protest…
Prishtinë, 17 April 2015 In order to inform the public opinion regarding the protest which is expected to…
Drejtor i Përgjithshëm i Policisë së Republikës së Kosovës
Kosovo Police