Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Information related to some articles in some media on the complaint of the citizen from Prishtina against a KP officer

Prishtina, 24th of October 2020
Kosovo Police informs and clarifies the public opinion on some articles in several media published on 23.10.2020 related to the complaint of a female citizen from Prishtina against a female police officer that happened while the officer was imposing a ticket based on the Anti COVID-19 Law.

Based to the articles and allegations of the citizen, the Directorate of Internal Investigations and Background Verification of KP initiated an investigation of the case and depending on the findings of the investigation, based on the internal administrative instructions a decision will be brought. Kosovo Police remains committed in completing its legal duties and responsibilities and treating with priority every possible complaint coming from the citizens against the KP.

Also, Kosovo Police remains committed in implementing laws, including Anti -COVID 19 law and calls all citizens to respect the decisions of the institutions in fight against the spread of the pandemic.

General Statistics: 2025-01-14
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed