Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Information of Kosovo Police related the case of causing general danger to the RTK facility.

Prishtinë, 23 August 2016


We inform you
that on 22.08.2016, at about 21:48, in the street “Xhemajl Prishtina” to the
RTK (Radio Television of Kosovo) facility, was reported for an explosion that
is suspected to have been committed by an explosive hand grenade.


Kosovo Police
with its police units, including specialized units, have reacted immediately by
undertaking quick operational and investigative actions regarding this case.


Police have
initially secured the scene and then have carried out the further police
procedures, including controlling of area, collection of evidences and material
evidences, on which it is suspected that at the rear side, aside the RTK
facility has exploded a suspicious tool, hand grenade.


Kosovo Police
in consultation with the competent prosecutor has undertaken all necessary
police actions, by examining the scene that lasted until 08:50 o’clock today on
(23.08.2016) and the case was initiated as “Causing General Danger”.


Based on the
current information, it is not reported for any injured person.


Police is
working in analysing of all facts and relevant evidences, including security
cameras, in order to as soon as possible solve this case and bring the
perpetrators to the justice bodies.  


Kosovo Police
at the same time invite all persons or citizens who have any information
regarding the case, to inform Kosovo Police.



KP Information Office


General Statistics: 2025-01-14
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