Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Information of Kosovo Police regarding the police plan for progress of (9) January protest

Prishtinë, 8
January 2016


In order to inform the public opinion regarding the unannounced protest
according to the law on public gatherings, organized by the three opposition
parties, which is expected to be held tomorrow on (9.1.2016), Kosovo Police
(KP) has done all the necessary preparations on time, by drafting the
operational plan.


The strategic purpose of this operational plan is:


* The overall security in the Republic of Kosovo, maintenance of order
and public peace and enforcement of the law.


* Increase of security measures to guarantee order, peace and public
safety, before, during and after the protest.


* Undertaking of necessary police measures against the possible illegal
actions in combating of all negative phenomenon that could cause instability.


* Prevention, combating of negative phenomenon and possible criminal acts,
which could risk the public peace, etc.


KP as a
law enforcement institution will undertake all the actions in conformity with
the Constitution of Kosovo, laws in force and drafted plan, in order to
guarantee order and public peace.  


recognizes the right of citizens for public gatherings, free speech in public
gatherings, protests and public manifestations in accordance with the
Constitution and laws in force.


Police CALLS all the citizens to be careful and restrain on any violent action,
which could cause consequences to the protesters and police officers who will
take care for order and public safety.


Kosovo Police assures the wide
opinion that it has taken all the necessary measures for implementation of law,
guaranteeing of the order and public peace, free movement and progress of a
quiet and without incidents protest.



KP Information Office 

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