Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

In two police operations (2020 – 2021) twenty five (25) persons arrested

Prishtina, 14th of April 2021

Kosovo Police (KP), respectively the Directorate of Investigation of Organized Crimes assisted by other police units, after the several months of investigation initially conducted in 2020 which continued on until 14th of April 2021, arrested twenty five (25) suspects.

These suspects are arrested on the grounds of being involved in criminal activities of the organized crime, including the offenses of: “Unauthorized import, export, supply, transport, production, exchange, intermediation or sell of firearms or explosive materials”.

The police operations are conducted by the order of justice bodies, including several locations respectively Prishtina, Gilan, Ferizaj and Mitrovica South, where during the checks at several houses and additional facilities in both operations, in the capacity of material evidence are found and seized the following:

•Eight (8) long firearms various types,
•Thirteen (13) small firearms revolver,
•Two (2) magazines,
•(1.493) ammunition various calibers,
•Various parts of firearms,
•Equipment for firearms maintenance,
•Two (2) firearms licenses,
•Two (2) vehicles,
•One (1) pair of binocular,
•Twenty one (21) cell phones,
•Two thousand (2000) euro and
•One (1) notebook with notes.

From all twenty five (25) persons arrested in two police operations, it is worth mentioning that twelve (12) of them are arrested in the year 2020 and by the decision of the competent prosecutor are taken to detention. In the operation realized today in the morning hours are arrested thirteen (13) persons, seven (7) of them by the decision of the prosecutor are taken to detention, while six (6) are released in regular procedure.

Kosovo Police remains committed in fulfilling its legal duties and responsibilities, with the aim of preserving public law and order, prevention of criminal activities and bringing in front of justice bodies all those who act contrary to the law.

General Statistics: 2025-01-14
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed