Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

From 12 to 23rd of September, the officers of Kosovo Police and other agencies in the country, participated in the training for Investigation of Chemical Deviations and Clandestine Laboratories coordinated by ICITAP and financed by the Government of USA. The Training was held by special agents and one chemist from the Department for International Training from the Administration for Combating Drugs, in the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety in Vushtrri.

From 12 to 23rd of September, the officers of Kosovo Police and other agencies in the country, participated in the training for Investigation of Chemical Deviations and Clandestine Laboratories coordinated by ICITAP and financed by the Government of USA. The Training was held by special agents and one chemist from the Department for International Training from the Administration for Combating Drugs, in the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety in Vushtrri.
The training consisted of two-weeks training, which trained the participants in identifying the trends for chemical/precursors deviations, investigation of chemical companies, use of equipment for personal protection, threat and risk mitigation at the scene, collection and processing the evidences from hazardous clandestine laboratories.
At the end of this training, the participants were certified to work on hazardous environments and to implement health protocols and of the security. The DEA instructors and the participants considered the training as a major step ahead in Kosovo’s ability to safely investigate the hazardous clandestine laboratories of drugs. The Acting General Director of KP and the ICITAP attaché in Kosovo held their opening and closing speeches, including awarding of certificates for students.
In his speech, the Acting General Director of KP, Mr. Hoti expressed his gratitude for the support and help from ICITAP and DEA in this training.
General Statistics: 2024-06-03
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed