Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Five persons arrested regarding the suspicions for being involved in criminal offences ‘usury’, ‘extortion’ and ‘fraud’

Prishtinë, 20 May 2019

Directorate of Investigation of Economic Crimes and Corruption after a long investigation initiated at the beginning of 2018, based on the order of the Basic Court in Prishtina – Department of Serious Crimes, today realized a wide police operation in the region of Prishtina, Peja and Gjakova.
The police Operation coded ,,DALLGA” began early in the morning, supported by the Fast Reaction Units, where a target of investigations and raids were (7) locations, among them five (5) in the region of Prishtina, one (1) in the region of Peja and one (1) in the region of Gjakova.

As a result of police actions and investigations there were arrested five (5) persons, while two (2) are still at large:

•    I. O.     born on 1964     m/sh/k
•    I. B.     born on 1969     m/sh/k
•    A. Th.     born on 1979     m/sh/k
•    M. M.     born on 1980     m/sh/k
•    Rr. H.     born on 1979     m/sh/k
•    E. L.     at large
•    Z. J.     at large

The abovementioned persons are arrested under the suspicion to have committed the criminal offence ‘usury’, ‘extortion’ and ‘fraud’, who years ago aimed to illegally – non-proportionally benefit property (two houses in Prishtina, a facility, vehicles and money).

The total value illegally gained is suspected / estimated over 2.5 million euros, while the total damage caused is suspected to exceed the value of 6 million euros.

As material evidences during the police operation there were seized:
•    Money of 10,250.00 €,
•    Various documents, various sales contracts,
•    Telephones (three Iphone X, one Iphone X Max, one Iphone 8, one Samasung, two Nokia).

Regarding the case the prosecutor in duty of the Basic Prosecution Office in Prishtina, Department of Serious Crimes has been informed and with his decision, five (5) suspects already arrested are taken to 48 hours custody, while two (2) others are at large.


KP Information Office

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