Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

The Kosovo Police General Director, Co...

Drejtori i përgjithshëm i PK-së, kolonel Gazmend HOXHA, viziton zyrtarët policorë në veri të vendit Prishtinë, më 27…

New action against usury in city of Gj...

Prishtina, 21st of June 2024 The Kosovo Police, respectively the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized and Serious…

Kosovo Police prevents a case of smugg...

Prishtinë, 13th of June 2024 Kosovo Police, respectively the Task Force – East unit, in cooperation with the…

Kosovo Police trains the operators wit...

On 11th of June 2024, at the Special Units Camp in Vrellë, five operators with K9 official dogs…

Kosovo agency commanders attend the IA...

Udhëheqësit e agjencive Kosovare marrin pjesë në konferencën IADLEST në Shtetet e Bashkuara Më 2-5 qershor, Ushtruesi i…

On June 7, 2024, the Kosovo Police, in...

Policët e Kosovës trajnohen nga instruktorë të DEA-së Më 7 Qershor, Policia e Kosovës në bashkëpunim me Ambasadën…

In the last two days, two persons with...

Prishtinë, June 6 2024 The FAST-ILECU unit, following the implementation of police duties and commitments in the field…

6 persons arrested by Kosovo police an...

Prishtinë, 06.06.2024 Kosovo Police, respectively the Directorate for the Investigation of Narcotics Trafficking, in two separate cases in…

It is suspected of interference in the...

Prishtina, 28.05.2024 Kosovo Police, respectively the Sector for Financial Investigations from the Directorate for the Investigation of Economic…

Kosovo Police initiates two criminal p...

Prishtina, 27.05.2024 1. Kosovo Police, respectively the police units of the Border Department after an intensive operational and…

General Statistics: 2025-01-14
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed