Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Today, on 19.05.2023, the Deputy Gener...

Sot me datën 19.05.2023 zëvendësdrejtori i Përgjithshëm i PK-së, z. Fehmi Hoti, me menaxhmentin e lartë të PK-së,…

Police engagements in providing securi...

Prishtinë, 19 May 2023 Kosovo Police (KP), according to its official duties and determined strategic objectives, is continuing…

Kosovo Police anti-drugs unit seizes d...

Prishtina, 17th of May 2023 On 17.05.2023 at about 14:50, on the street “UÇK” in Pristina, Kosovo Police,…

Kosovo Police participating in the int...

Prishtina, 17th of May 2023 Colonel Taibe Canolli-Brajshori, Director of the Human Resources Department, associated by Mrs. DOJ-ICITAP…

The Colonel from the Kosovo Police, th...

On April 24 – May 4, 2023, Kosovo Police COLONEL Aferdita Mikullovci attended the 16th session of the…

Road safety and prevention of accident...

Prishtinë, 4 May 2023 Kosovo Police (KP), led by its management, within the Strategic Development Plan 2021-2025, has…

The economic crime operation of the Po...

Prishtinë, 3 May 2023 As you are informed through the official press release of the Police dated 13,…

The Border Police prevents the smuggli...

Prishtinë, 3 May 2023 Kosovo Police, the Fast Intervention Unit within the Regional Directorate of the Border Police…

Two suspects arrested by Kosovo police...

Prishtinë, 27 April 2023 Kosovo Police, in cooperation with the Basic Prosecutor’s Office – Gjilan, undertook investigative/operational actions…

Kosovo Police director Mr. Hoxha hoste...

Today, on 26th of April 2023, in the premises of the General Directorate of the Kosovo Police, Mr….

General Statistics: 2024-11-22
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed