Gjakovë, 21 April 2017
On 21.04.2017 police station in Gjakovë received the information for a case with fire-shots in the village Smolicë of the municipality of Gjakova.
Police patrols responded to the scene immediately, where there went all relevant units along with the state prosecutor.
According to the preliminary investigations, two citizens, adults Kosovars/Albanian were moving with the vehicle and at the entrance of the village, there are suspicions that there were fire shots towards the vehicle. Then, it is suspected person went away from the scene with the support of another person, who with his vehicle assisted the suspect to get away from the scene.
From the fire shots there were no injuries, except the damage of the vehicle.
At the scene, there were taken all material evidences and the case is being investigated by the Regional Investigation Section by the Regional Police Directorate in Gjakova, in cooperation with the Basic Prosecution in Gjakova. Kosovo Police with its relevant units is intensively working in clarifying the case and arresting suspects.