Policia e kosovës
Policija Kosova / Kosovo Police

Additional information

In order to prevent the mayors of the municipalities from entering their workplaces, a significant number of citizens gathered near the entrances of the municipal buildings to prevent them and their accompanying staff from entering the official facilities of the municipalities. In addition to the persons engaged and their vehicles / means located near the municipal facilities, there were also sound alarms in the northern municipalities which are used by criminal structures for mobilization and gatherings.
Kosovo Police has engaged relevant police units, with the aim of managing the situation and circumstances created by the gathered citizens, who prevented law enforcement and state officials from exercising their legitimate right. Public order officers have continuously talked to the gathered citizens, asking them to leave and not obstruct the work of state officials, to clear the road and allow them to enter the workplaces, but they have continuously refused.
After a while, the protesters started showing violence, insulting, throwing various tough means and shock bombs towards the Police and official vehicles, causing direct danger to the lives of Republic of Kosovo.
Republika e Kosovës Republika Kosova – Republic of Kosovo Qeveria – Vlada – Government Ministria e Punëve të Brendshme Ministarstvo Unutrašnjih Poslova / Ministry of Internal Affairs Policia e Kosovës/Policija Kosova/Kosovo Police Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Policisë/ Generalna Policijska Direkcija/General Police Directorate Profesionalizëm / Integritet / Llogaridhënie police officers, causing material damage to official vehicles, including setting fire to a police vehicle in Zveqan. It is suspected that gunshots were heard nearby, but the exact location is unknown. Seeing the direct danger to the lives of police officers, the relevant police units were forced to react in self defense and use tear gas to disperse the crowd, and to enable the mayors to enter municipal facilities. The Kosovo Police will continue to maintain a safe and calm environment for all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo without distinction, as well as will take legal measures against illegal actions, which to any extent would endanger security, peace and stability in the country.
The police engagement in providing security
Prishtina, 26th of May 2023
The Kosovo Police according to legal and constitutional authorizations, is undertaking its police actions in providing security, maintaining order and public safety, as well as undertaking police measures in order to prevent all criminal activities that occur in the country.
According to the official duty, today, Kosovo Police is assisting the mayors of the northern municipalities Zveçan, Leposaviq and Zubin Potok, to exercise their right to work in the official facilities of the respective municipalities.
General Statistics: 2025-01-14
Accidents with fatalities
Accidents with injuries
Accidents without injuries
Traffic tickets imposed